We've had a horrible wave of weather the past few weeks; two weeks ago, the heat was in the 90s and even went over 100. When it gets that hot, heat stroke for both dog and man becomes a concern, and dog park visits dwindle to nothing.
However, if the planets align and I get more than two hours sleep the night before, I might drag my carcass out of bed around 7:00 or 7:30 and take Our Best Friend for a walk before the heat gets too deadly. (Also, before the Spouse and Three Dependents are awake and wanting me.) One morning I arrived at the park at 6:58 a.m., which is almost as astonishing as the sun rising in the west. At first I thought we had the place to ourselves, but then I saw a few people at the other end sitting in the shade to avoid the steadily-climbing heat.
We walked around the park, with a stop for the morning deposit atop the small hill on the side. When I got to the other side, I saw that the other early-morning visitors were two Bernese mountain dogs, one under a year, and the other larger but not much older.
Now, BMDs are just about my favourite breed. They are big gentle teddy bears, brown and black and sweet. The younger one came to greet me, and when I patted him on the head, he promptly sat on my feet, leaned against my legs, and gazed up at me with that goopy expression only big dogs get. (No toy poodle, no matter how cuddly and sweet, can look as goopy as a golden retriever or a Newfoundland-- or a Bernese mountain dog.) We traded a bit of affection, then I followed after my own mutt. As I passed the first dog’s companion, she too rose to greet me. And as I scratched behind her ears, she too promptly sat on my feet.
Other than baby cuddles, there is no better start to your day than a Bernese mountain dog sitting on your feet and looking for love. Unless it's two Bernese mountain dogs sitting on your feet and looking for love.
My dog, as usual, went ignored. He ran and galloped and enjoyed himself as a got my Unconditional Love Fix from these two beauties. I'm not sure what the owner thought. I didn't know him, and we didn't speak. He sat on the bench, talking on his cel. Occasionally he looked for his dogs, saw us, and smiled.
It was hard to move my feet, dislodge the dogs, and go back home. I got back just before 8:00, and no one was up yet. Our Best Friend even went back to his bed. Not being much of a morning person, I was tired too. Still, a little exhaustion is a small price to pay for such a warm (and I don't mean the temperature) start to the morning.
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