Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lies I Tell You-- Lies!

I awoke this morning to an unexpected delight in my inbox-- a blog "award" from Rescued Insanity. The term award deserves quotation marks; it's not so much an award as a blog chain letter. I have to provide my readers with four lies and one truth about myself, and they have to figure out which is which. Then I have to pass this award on to five other bloggers, who probably won't thank me for it.

So let's see how well people know me. Which of the following statements is true?
  1. I excelled in math and science in high school, and made a dramatic shift to arts in university.
  2. I dye my hair this colour.
  3. I am a fitness fanatic and work out daily.
  4. If it wasn't for the dog park, I'd be blogging from behind barred windows and locked doors.
  5. I am about to launch a reality competition on the Food Network called "Feed My Kids-- Please."
Now to name five bloggers to take up this challenge:

  1. Back Alley Soapbox (because it's sure to be amusing)
  2. Peggy's Pet Place (because someone who writes about dieting knows brutal honesty and the art of the cover-up)
  3. According to Gus (because I want to learn a little more about them before they show up on my doorstep in four or five months!)
  4. Kid Lit Reader (because she can't lie to save her life)
  5. Back Seat View (because her blog is so honest, yet I think she can come up with some whoppers, and pictures to illustrate them!)
And one bonus blogger: The VSL Poltroon, because my own brother better not try to lie to me.

Well, there you go, and I hope the people listed are still speaking to me after this. Please excuse the interruption in our regularly scheduled programming, which will resume tomorrow (or maybe the next day).

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